Complete, Integrated and
Open Architecture Solutions

Security to ensure complete visibility, and improve security best practices 

Integration of PAM and IGA to meet customers’ dynamic needs 

Centrally managed repository of users and their access to SaaS (cloud) applications, for internal employee and customer identity management 

Complete audit trail and management of privileged users across all cloud (SaaS) applications 

Integration with applications through Universal Connector Framework (UCF) 

Automate access rights review and implement repeatable automated processes with workflow support 

Single, integrated platform to manage all applications and unstructured data access 

User authentication and session management service that allows users to use one set of credentials to login to various enterprise applications 

Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust is a security model based on the principle of maintaining strict access controls and not trusting anyone by default, even if these employees and non-employees are already inside your network. Identity & Access serves as the foundation to zero trust initiatives, and Fálaina provides a comprehensive solution that enables enterprises to understand users and their access rights information before allowing or denying their access. 

How Fálaina differentiates itself:

Complete visibility of who’s who in the organization

Detailed access rights information across all applications, privileges, and data

Up to date information on access right changes

With complete visibility of who’s who, what’s what and who has access to what, enterprises can now take steps to embark on their “Zero Trust” journey, and take their security best practices to next level. 

Integrated PAM

Identity Governance & Administration (IGA) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) are traditionally separate domains, and are seen as different initiatives which are run by different teams in most organizations. Today, with the everchanging threat landscape, customers are now looking for a single integrated platform to manage users and access as a whole. 

How Fálaina’s integrated PAM differentiates itself:

Single vendor pre-integrated product to reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by reducing the cost of license, shortening implementation time, and reducing training and maintenance issues

Complete visibility and consistent enforcement of policies across regular and privileged users

Improved service level and overall productivity by providing seamless user experience and improving overall productivity for both regular and privileged user management

Enterprises can now use Fálaina’s single, integrated solution across regular users and privileged users, especially to manage vendors, contractors, and other external users. This includes on-boarding to enterprise IAM Vendor Management Module, granting access to critical systems via privileged access request and approval platform, and monitoring their usage in real-time remotely.

Cloud Identity (IDaaS)

Fálaina’s Cloud Identity solution is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution that centrally manages users and their access to SaaS (cloud) applications. It is currently hosted on AWS, GCP, Azure and Falaina Cloud. Similar to on-premise or private cloud offerings, Falaina IDaaS features comprehensive IAM functionalities and integrates out of the box with all SaaS applications via standard protocols and APIs. 

Fálaina Cloud Identity offerings:

MFA support using Falaina, Microsoft and Google Authenticator

Complete user lifecycle management, access review/ certification with closed-loop remediation

Today, Fálaina Cloud Identity supports not only internal employee but also customer identity management.

Cloud PAM (CPAM)

Fálaina’s Cloud PAM solution helps organizations to meet internal or regulatory requirements to have a complete audit trail and management of privileged users across all cloud (SaaS) applications. Falaina CPAM solution is currently hosted on AWS, GCP, Azure and Falaina Cloud. Similar to on-premise or private cloud offerings, Falaina CPAM features comprehensive PAM functionalities and integrates out of the box with SaaS applications via agent-less connectivity. 

Fálaina Cloud PAM offers:

Privileged Single Sign-On to applications from anywhere and any device with Universal Workspace

Secure access request and approval workflows

MFA support using Falaina MFA, Microsoft and Google Authenticator

Video Recording, Keystroke Logging and Real-time Remote Monitoring

Access review/ certification and SoD checks for Privileged Users

IAM for Legacy Application

Fálaina’s IAM solution is not only able to meet the requirements of modern applications, but also legacy, bespoke, and mainframe applications. Other than providing standard agent-less connectors, Fálaina provides a Universal Connector Framework (UCF) with support for API, Databases and Flat-file – allowing integration with target systems without any programming or code changes. 

With the step-by-step wizard driven configuration, Fálaina supports any type of target system and integration method. Further, customers can now centrally manage all target systems using Falaina’s solution. 

Fálaina IAM benefits:

Cost reduction by avoiding application code changes; only one skillset needed to manage all integrated applications

Complete visibility of users and their access rights information for better reporting and audit, and to improve overall security posture

Improved service level by providing better user experience, and improved overall productivity

Single Sign-On to your applications from anywhere and any device with Universal Workspace

MFA support using Fálaina, Microsoft and Google Authenticator

Complete user lifecycle management, access review/ certification with closed-loop remediation

Customers can now put together a cost-effective IAM program across their enterprise and focus on complete integration and automation. 

Integrated Access Rights Review (Access Certification)

It is of utmost importance today to establish standard and repeatable access governance processes, and have the ability to certify access for regular user access, privileged user access, conflict of access rights (SoD Conflict) and sensitive access to meet regulatory or internal audit requirements. 

How Fálaina can help:

Ability to import access and entitlement data with hassle free configuration

Review with closed-loop remediation for regular user access, privileged user access, conflict of access rights (SoD Conflict) and sensitive access

Multiple views (review approach) with single campaign

Fálaina provides a comprehensive and flexible approach for enterprises to automate access rights review, and to implement repeatable automated processes with workflow support. 

Unstructured Data Access Governance

While enterprises are mandated to meet regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, PDPA and other local requirements, they have little or no visibility on unstructured data access in their organizations. This unstructured data typically resides on on-premise file servers and portals, or cloud storage, and a large percentage of this data is considered sensitive in nature. 

How Fálaina can help:

Complete visibility on who has access to which files and folders in file servers, portals, and cloud storage

Complete lifecycle management of folders and files

Automated access request, approval, and access rights review for all unstructured data access within an enterprise

Enterprises can now use our single integrated platform to manage all their applications and data access. 

Web Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication and session management service that allows users to use one set of credentials (login ID) to login to various enterprise applications. Other than typical login, enterprises may also require Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), the ability to integrate with legacy on-premise applications, and MFA support as part of their SSO requirements. 

Fálaina WSSO capabilities:

Single integrated universal workspace, which allows SSO for regular users and privileged users, which runs on any device

Support for standard protocol-based SSO such as OAuth/ OAuth2, SAML, OpenID Connect, ADFS, WS-Federations for SaaS applications and Secure Web Agent/ Proxy for on-premise legacy applications

Support for Falaina, Microsoft and Google Authenticator

Customers can now provide better user experience, productivity, and improve overall security by implementing SSO with MFA support for on-premise legacy applications and SaaS applications. 

Simplify identity & access management with the right tools

Rapid ROI, integrated solutions, with
modern flexible licensing