Data Analytic and Compliance Manager (DACM)

Fálaina’s Data Analytic and Compliance Manager (DACM) helps organisations implement the data security controls required to mitigate the risks and threats for unstructured data within the organisation. It helps discover unstructured data to understand the data file format (data silos) and provide complete visibility on who's who, what's what and who has access to unstructured data in order for enterprises to address their audit and compliance requirements.

Complete discovery and profiling of enterprise unstructured data

Fálaina’s DACM discovers and profiles unstructured data that resides in Microsoft Windows File Servers, Microsoft SharePoint Servers and other file shares in the cloud. This is the first step an organisation should take to understand their unstructured data. As part of this, all unstructured data such as folders and files, SharePoint resources, contents and sites along with its attributes such as content/ file type, ageing, created by/ modified by and so on are identified.

Following this discovery, Fálaina’s DACM completes the profiling based on the plug-ins for particular target systems. Profiling includes classifications of asset/ data, who has access to what, last access date/ time and sensitivity of the asset/ contents and finally the data owner.

Data classifications can be automated based on the policies supported by each plug-in. Such policies can be based on name, keywords, location of the contents/files and active users.

Understand who has access to your data (Entitlement Catalogue)

Fálaina’s DACM entitlement catalogue displays the actual access rights granted to individuals, including employees and non-employees, for unstructured data access along with application and system access. 

The DACM entitlement catalogue displays employee identity data, along with their detailed access rights for folders and files which were discovered and reconciled as part of the discovery process. It also gives the ability to drill-down access rights down to any level of folders and files.

Other information displayed in the entitlement catalogue includes access to sensitive folders and files. This list of sensitive folders and files is based on rules and policies defined.

Fálaina’s DACM also provides the ability to assign an owner for orphan folder and files, which at times can be sensitive in nature.

Review and remediate unauthorised access

Fálaina’s DACM facilitates access review and certification processes for unstructured data access.

The solution allows the reviewer to run certification campaign by user, resource (folders and files), and data classifications. Organisations are also able to detect unauthorised access and implement remediation as part of the review process. This review can be done by the resource owner or manager.

Other capabilities include workflow integration and attachment management. The DACM’s review and certification processes includes close-loop remediation process via workflow process, provisioning event, or email notifications.

Integration with Identity Governance and Administration for complete Data Access Governance

Fálaina’s DACM is integrated with IGA products such as IACM, ILM and PAM. This integration enables the implementation of access request management and workflow, unstructured data access rights review, monitoring of privileged users access for administration activities, and comprehensive analytics using dashboard and reporting capabilities.

Monitoring user privileges and activity

Fálaina’s DACM access rules provide crucial guidance for monitoring the privileges granted to users with access to data. For example, this is important for checking for changes to Microsoft Active Directory group membership or individual privileges to ensure they match the requirements associated with business role, data type, or geographic location.

This is also key to detecting potential insider abuse or external hacking activities. Integration with Fálaina’s Privileged Access Manager (PAM) is critical to build analytics capability to detect insider misuse or hacking.

All administrative activities on Microsoft Windows File Server via Microsoft Active Directory Server group permission can now be secured and monitored via PAM to ensure audit trail and reporting purposes.

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